How cliche of me. I'm starting a new blog after many failed blogs (due to my lack of blogging), at the beginning of a new year and what's the first post about? Goals! Wahoo!
This time, i'm not sure I'll even share this blog with anyone, I mean, I can't handle letting people down. AND I know you'll all feel let down by me if I don't blog all the time, cause let's face it. I'm such a good blogger, what with my great grammar, and sentence structure and great content. But let's get real. It's not going to happen. I'm not a consistent blogger and I'm ok with that. So if you are in for the occasional ride, let's hit the road!
Onto my goals for the year...
Share Love- I want to love my family, my friends and even strangers like Jesus has loved me. In our society it's easy to get caught up in ourselves. It's not the norm to love other people without conditions. My prayer is that the Joy and Love of Jesus will spill out of me like a stream rushing. I pray I can show more compassion, patience, love (and grace) to all around me this year.
Be Happy- Jesus made us with a passion for happiness, because He too has a passion for happiness, through his own Glory. 2012 has been challenging to me as far as happiness goes. I've had a lot to be happy about, but have felt so bogged down by my own thoughts and worries, that I've had a hard time focusing on the beautiful things the Lord has given me to be happy about. This year, right NOW, I'm committed to focusing my joy on the true source of Joy. Jesus.
Share Gifts- I am stingy. Super stingy. With my time, my talents, my gifts (are those the same thing?). I believe the Lord has blessed me with a few creative talents and I have been quick to hide them and hold them close to me. It's time to let them out, to share God's beauty that He's given ME, in hopes of sharing that beauty (that is not of me) with others. How awesome is that? How humbling is that? Our gifts are not our own to be selfish with. They're God's, to bring Him glory. Totally not cool to be stingy with the Lord's beauty and glory, duh, Penny.
Improve Health- My body is my God's. I need to treat it that way. I need to honor it as it is, a gift that I have the responsibility to care for. Not only for myself, but for my family. My short term goal is to work out 2-3 times a week. My long term goal (within 5 months) is to lose 25lbs by our 5th year anniversary.
I'll come along for the ride. I'm a bad blogger and a bad blog reader though. haha! Maybe my project for the day will be to delete some of the blogs I read from my reader so that I can actually keep up with the ones I regularly like to read. ;)