Wednesday, January 2, 2013

On Falling

If you follow me on any social network, you probably saw a photo me looking mighty fine with a heating pad resting on my neck.  I know some of you don't know this about me, but I am short, like 5'2 is pushing it, short. So when I was taking photos of the staff at our church yesterday, I naturally climbed up on a chair, not thinking much about it, to get a better angle. As I'm snap, snap, snapping away, all of the sudden I start to feel the chair sliding and before I could say cheese, I saw my life flash before my eyes. Ha! That's a little dramatic, but I did have one of those moments, where you know it's happening, but you feel like you can't do anything to stop it. As I was thinking "oh crap, here we go" my back hit the cement floor, my head bounced and I believe, was kept in tact divinely, without harm, thanks to my top knot. I took a moment to make sure I wasn't bleeding, gathered myself, sat up and checked the damage to my camera (thankfully it was close to none on all accounts).  When I realized all was good, I stood up, threw my hands up like a gymnast (seriously, who does that?) and declared I was OK, trying desperately to save myself from any sort of embarrassment.

As I walked out of the church with an icepack on my head I started recalling the moment I fell and thinking about how it feels to fall. How embarrassed I was, in front of my peers, how hurt I was (or would be in the coming days)! How the same feeling I had as I was falling, is often the one I feel when I'm ashamed. How I'm prone to wonder away or selfishly, just turn away from Jesus and how embarrassed I am when I try and sit up and run back to Him. But even though I am so not worthy of it, He always forgives me, always lets me come back. He loves me. He loves you.

Thanks to a sweet new friend, Amber over at She Shall Thrive, I started a plan to read the bible in one year. So far, and let's be honest, it's been two days, it's going really well. I am bad, bad, bad at being consistent with my readings (ahhh, crap, i'm noticing a trend in my life) and this plan has been good, because well, it's a plan and it tells me what to read. I love reading and being in the word, so I'm going to give it my best to keep going with this plan. I do have some accountability and my husband is doing it too, so that helps! Hear that people? Accountability is good. It's a good thing. Find a friend, a spouse a someone and keep each other accountable, it's a win/win. Anyways, here's the link to the plan. Do it and leave a comment if you're gonna jump on board! God's word is so good. Oh and I just read about the fall of man today. Bah. Ironic much?

Oh and one bonus photo of my hubby falling on his butt too, to prove i'm not the only clumsy one.

1 comment:

  1. I'm doing the yearly Bible reading too. :) I use (and love) the app!
